Website Helfia Nil Chalis
Thank you for visiting my website. A good place to find life inspirations for you. If you are a young engineer, learning from my experiences will help you to be more confident in your career and your life. History always repeating itself. So, do not make the same mistakes others had made. Work experiences: Process Engineer, Engineering Group Head, Operation Shift Superintendent, Operation Manager of Badak LNG Plant for 22 year, Operations Manager Tangguh LNG Plant 6 years, Process Safety Specialist at Tangguh LNG 2 years, Disciplined Engineering Manager Tangguh LNG, Operation Senior Manager at Donggi Senoro LNG for 6 years.
Email: helfianc@gmail.com
All about Tangguh LNG

Tangguh LNG Facility
Helfia Nil Chalis July 2012
Tangguh LNG has two process trains. Train-1 and Train-2 have installed capacity of 3.8 million tons per annum each or 7.6 mpta total. Gas supply is taken from two platforms VRA and VRB. Both platforms located north of LNG site at Bintuni bay approximately 14 km from shore. VRA platform has 6 wells while VRB platform has 9 wells. Each well has installed capacity of 240 MMSCFD gas production. Each platform is connected to onshore receiving facility with 24" pipeline. Each pipeline has capacity of transporting gas at 1050 MMSCFD.
Kilang LNG Tangguh memiliki dua process train. Train-1 dan Train-2 memiliki kapasitas terpasang masing-masing 3,8 juta ton pertahun atau 7,6 juta ton pertahun total. Pasokan gas diambil dari dua platform yaitu VRA dan VRB. Kedua platform terletak di sebelah utara Site LNG di Teluk Bintuni sekitar 14 km dari pantai. Platform VRA memiliki 6 sumur sedangkan Platform VRB 9 sumur. Masing-masing sumur memiliki kapasitas terpasang 240 MMScfd produksi gas. Tiap platform dihubungkan ke Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF) di pantai dengan pipa gas 24". Tiap pipa memiliki kapasitas mengalirkan gas 1050 MMScfd.
How much gas is required to feed both Train-1 and Train-2 at maximum rate? It is approximately 1,400 MMSCFD. In other word, one pipeline could supply 1.5 trains. Is there any minimum rate that we must keep through the pipeline? Yes, there is or otherwise an accumulation of hydrocarbon condensate might be formed in the pipeline in particular at the low points under the water, If we let this happens, the pipeline could be blocked by hydrocarbon condensate and gas could not be transferred through the pipeline any more.
Berapa banyak gas yang dibutuhkan untuk memasok Train-1 dan Train-2 pada rate maksimum? Kurang lebih 1.400 MMScfd. Dengan kata lain, satu pipa gas bisa memasok 1,5 train. Apakah ada rate minimum yang harus dijaga melalui pipa gas tersebut? Betul, ada agar tidak terbentuk pengumpulan kondensat hidrokarbon di dalam pipa gas terutama di tempat yang rendah di dalam air laut. Jika hal ini terjadi, pipa gas bisa tersumbat oleh kondensat hidrokarbon dan gas tidak bisa mengalir lagi melalui pipa gas tersebut.
The feed gas from both platforms is sent to Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF). There are two pig receivers, two hydrocarbon condensate separators, two units of condensate stabilizer, corrugated processing installation (CPI), and Produced Water Tank. The feed gas is then sent to Process Trains which is Train-1 and Train-2. Both trains are twins. The liquefaction process is using Air Products LNG Technology. The gas is first processed through Acid Gas Absorber, and then Dehydration, Mercury Removal, Fractionation, Refrigeration and finally Liquefaction. Each train has two Compressors, i,e, MR and Propane refrigeration compressors. The compressors are driven by combine cycle technology. The main driver is GE Gas Turbine Frame 7, with combination of steam turbine as helper at lower speeds.
Pasokan gas dari kedua platform dikirim ke ORF. Ada dua penerima "PIG", dua alat pemisah kondensat hidrokarbon, dua unit penstabil kondensat, satu unit CPI, dan satu Tangki Produced Water. Gas umpan selanjutnya dikirim ke Process Train yaitu Train-1 dan Train-2. Keduanya kembaran. Proses pencairan menggunakan teknologi dari Air Products (Amerika). Gas mula-mula dilewatkan ke Absorber Penyerab Asam (CO2), kemudian Dehydration (Penghilangan air), Mercuri Removal (Penghilangan Merkuri), Fraksinasi, Refrigerasi dan akhirnya Liquefaction (Pencairan). Masing-masing train memiliki dua kompresor, yaitu Kompresor Refrigerasi MR dan Propan. Kompresor-kompresor ini digerakkan dengan teknologi "combine cycle". Penggerak utamanya adalah GE Gas Turbine Frame 7 dengan kombinasi steam turbine sebagai helper pada speed rendah.
Coming-out from process trains, Train-1 and Train-2 the gas has become LNG at temperature of -160 deg. C. It is sent into two LNG Storage Tanks waiting for shipments. Shipment frequency is approximately every two days. LNG is transferred from LNG Tanks using two LNG Loading pumps from each tank to the ship. Tangguh LNG only has one LNG Jetty with boil off gas recovery system. As side product Tangguh LNG also produces hydrocarbon condensate which is shipped every two weeks.
Keluar dari process train, Train-1 dan Train-2, gas sudah menjadi LNG dengan temperatur -160 der C. LNG ini dikirim ke dua Tangki Penyimpan LNG menunggu waktu pengapalan. Pengapalan dilakukan setiap dua hari. LNG dikirim dari Tangki LNG dengan menggunakan dua pompa muat LNG dari masing-masing tangki ke kapal. Kilang LNG Tangguh hanya memiliki satu LNG Jetty dengan sistem perecover gas boil-off. Sebagai produk samping LNG Tangguh juga menghasilkan kondensat hidrokarbon yang dikapalkan setiap dua minggu.
Utilities for supporting the whole site consists of three Siemens Steam Turbine Generators. Each has capacity of 35 MW. The steam is generated from three Macci Boilers at capacity of 120 tons per hour each. Water is taken from sea water using three Desalination units. Cooling system is mainly using air fan coolers. Utility is also processing produced water to meet the government regulations on water disposal.
Utilities untuk mendukung keseluruhan peralatan di site terdiri dari tiga Pembangkit Listrik Turbin Uap dari Siemens. Masing-masing memiliki kapasitas 35 MW. Uap yang dihasilkan dari tiga Ketel Uap Macci mencapai 120 ton perjam masing-masing. Air diambil dari air laut menggunakan tiga unit Desalinasi. Sistem Pendingin sebagian besar menggunakan Air Fan Cooler. Utility juga memproses produced water untuk memenuhi aturan pemerintah terkait limbah air buangan.
Employees at site live in a Dormitory. Dormitory is built for site employees with total bed capacity of 320. This is apparently not enough, so several of construction housing are converted to provide accommodation to the rest of populations. Currently total persons on board are 1,700. The Administration office is located next to Dormitory. Still in the same area there are maintenance building and logistic warehouse.
Para pekerja selama di site tinggal di Barak. Barak dibangun untuk pekerja site dengan kapasitas tempat tidur total 320. Ternyata jumlah ini tidak cukup, sehingga beberapa bangunan konstruksi diubah untuk menjadi akomodasi bagi pekerja lainnya. Saat itu jumlah total pekerja di site 1.700 orang. Kantor Administrasi terletak di dekat Barak. Masih di area yang sama terdapat juga Bangunan Maintenance dan Gudang Logistik.