I begin my career as a process engineer at Badak LNG Plant, Bontang, East Kalimantan. The company gave me three month probational period. As a new process engineer, too many things that one must know and understand before they can contribute to any study. I have been assigned to familiarize myself with plant and equipment design and operation. Everyday, I read the operating manuals of the plant. I went to the plant to observe the actual operation of the equipment which is on my interest. I discussed with operations who operate the plant about what they have experienced during operating the plant or equipment. I always compare whatever they are telling me against the theory that I know or check it against the operating

manual. Discussion with senior process engineers is also very important to me. Every week I have to present one specific system in front of the senior process engineers. This gives opportunity for me to understand the system faster.
One day I got an assignment to estimate how much LNG was lost through a passing valve. This is not an easy job. I observed the valve at its location and decided to measure the length of the ice forming at downstream of the valve. By calculating the area of ice formation I can calculate the heat in leak. Assuming the heat in leak is equal to the rate of LNG vaporization, I can calculate at what rate is the LNG passing through the valve.
This is just an example that a process engineer must do. Many times we must make engineering judgement based on a limited information. In this case, always try to use sound engineering background before making any recommendation or judgement.