Website Helfia Nil Chalis
Thank you for visiting my website. A good place to find life inspirations for you. If you are a young engineer, learning from my experiences will help you to be more confident in your career and your life. History always repeating itself. So, do not make the same mistakes others had made. Work experiences: Process Engineer, Engineering Group Head, Operation Shift Superintendent, Operation Manager of Badak LNG Plant for 22 year, Operations Manager Tangguh LNG Plant 6 years, Process Safety Specialist at Tangguh LNG 2 years, Disciplined Engineering Manager Tangguh LNG, Operation Senior Manager at Donggi Senoro LNG for 6 years.
Email: helfianc@gmail.com
Joining Donggi Senoro LNG in 2015
After working for Tangguh LNG, I joined Donggi Senoro LNG in October 2015. DSLNG was just completed the first LNG shipment when I joined.
Setelah bekerja di Tangguh LNG, saya bergabung dengan Donggi Senoro LNG pada bulan Oktober 2015. DSLNG baru saja menyelesaikan pengiriman kapal LNG pertamanya ketika saya bergabung.
DSLNG Reaching Above Name Plate Capacity
In early 2016 DSLNG had successfully run the plant to the name plate capacity. It reaches 105% above name plate capacity soon after that.
Pada awal 2016 DSLNG berhasil mengoperasikan kilangnya pada kapasitas desainnya. Tidak lama setelah itu DLSNG bisa beroperasi 105% di atas desainnya.
DSLNG Preserve Maleo Bird Restocking
Since construction of the plant, DSLNG had contributed in preserving Maleo bird by restocking program with the support from the local University.
Sejak masa konstruksi, DSLNG sudah memberikan kontribusi dalam melestarikan burung Maleo dalam sebuah program restocking bekerjasama dengan Universitas setempat.