Website Helfia Nil Chalis
Thank you for visiting my website. A good place to find life inspirations for you. If you are a young engineer, learning from my experiences will help you to be more confident in your career and your life. History always repeating itself. So, do not make the same mistakes others had made. Work experiences: Process Engineer, Engineering Group Head, Operation Shift Superintendent, Operation Manager of Badak LNG Plant for 22 year, Operations Manager Tangguh LNG Plant 6 years, Process Safety Specialist at Tangguh LNG 2 years, Disciplined Engineering Manager Tangguh LNG, Operation Senior Manager at Donggi Senoro LNG for 6 years.
Email: helfianc@gmail.com
About me
​Welcome to my website. Please let me introduce myself. My name is Helfia from Indonesia. I was born in a town near Palembang, South Sumatera. I lived and grown-up in this town until finishing my junior high school before I moved to Bogor to continue studying at senior high school. I lived with my uncle Fadhly, brother of my mom. I finished senior high school in 1976.
I am really greatful when I was accepted at the best institute of technology in Indonesia in 1977. I still remember it was the first time Indonesia runs national university entry selection. It was called SKALU (Seleksi Kerjasama Antar Lima Universitas or Collaborative Selection Process of Five University). It was for the first time use of computerized selection process for this kind of selection nation wide in Indonesia. Of course, as you may expect, the selection result anouncement was delayed for almost 6 month if I recalled. I was confident during and after the test, but because of the delay, I became doubtful for the result. This is why I feel very lucky when I found that I was accepted. I took Chemical Engineering for my study. I was graduated in 1983.
Not long after I finished my study at Institute of Technology Bandung, I met Yuli. We fell in love at the first sight. We met at her sister's wedding. Her mother is my mother's friend. They were teaching at same school, a junior high school in Prabumulih, South Sumatera. We got married in 1984.
My first career was at PT Duma Na Napu and PT Curah Niaga International chaired by Soy Martua Pardede. He is an economist which runs a business of fertilizer export-import. He was expanding his business to building a chemical plant. I was hired to supervise his share at PT Petrowidada. The plant we were building was a pthalic anhydride manufacturing plant. I then moved to an LNG plant, PT Badak NGL located at Bontang, East Kalimantan. I joined as a Process Engineer and moved up my career to Deputy Operation Manager in 20 years.
After 22 years of service, I decided to move again. I joined BP Indonesia for developing another LNG plant at Bintuni Bay, West Papua called Tangguh LNG. I served for BP Tangguh Indonesia as an Operations Manager in 2006 - 2013. I than assigned as a Process Safety Authority until 2015. I was a Disciplined Engineering Manager of Tangguh LNG when I decided to take the offer of Donggi Senoro LNG in September 2015.
I am assigned again as Operation Manager and later as Operation Senior Manager at Donggi Senoro LNG. This is a single train LNG operation which requires careful and attention to details for keeping the facility running continuesly with minimal interruption possible. The company serves LNG export to Japan and Korea at 2.1 million tons per annum capacity.